How To Store Scarves

If you’re in one of Australia’s colder cities (looking at you, southern states), and are a particularly trendy person who happens to have accumulated a lot of scarves, you might be wondering how on earth to store them. They aren’t a neat pair of shoes that you can slot into a spare gap or similarly-sized ties that are easy to keep tidy. And if heaped together in a drawer, they’re not only unruly but start to look like a nest of psychedelic anacondas!

In this article, we’ll show you how to store scarves the easy way, with a few different storage options.

1. Get yourself a scarf rack

Store Scarves - Rack

If you have the space, scarf racks are one of the most practical scarf storage ideas. You can quickly grab a perfectly coordinating version on your way out, and there’s no need to fold them when you come home (unless you want them to be perfectly uniform). You just hang them up!

Scarf racks tend to come in two shapes: horizontal racks that use hooks or a single bar, and vertical racks that flow downwards and allow scarves to be “stacked.” Horizontal racks are great if you only have a few scarves—you can quickly grab what you need, and easily put it back. Vertical racks are a little more fiddly, as you’ll need to tuck scarves behind other scarves, but these types of racks allow you to store lots more scarves, so are ideal for unapologetic scarf hoarders.

2. Get yourself a scarf organiser

Store Scarves - Organiser

Image from Shelterness

Racks aren’t the only way to organise scarves. There are a range of scarf organisers out there of all various shapes, sizes, colours, and materials. Googling “scarf organiser” will reveal customised hangers with loops, sheets of hanging material with metal holes sewn into them, tree-shaped stands, plastic dividers that slot into your drawers, and a whole lot more. There’s plenty of scarf organisers to choose from online, so you’re certain to find something that suits your scarf collection, space and aesthetic taste. Happy shopping!

3. Use scarf hangers

Store Scarves - Hangers

Image from Pinterest

Scarf hangers are essentially customised hangers that allow you to hang multiple scarves. Their design is limited only by the designer’s imagination—there are five-scarf hangers that snake their way downwards, hangers whose “arm” is a row of loops, geometric-shaped hangers that accommodate ten or more scarves while looking awesome, and a mishmash of all these designs to create something truly odd, but practical nonetheless.

4. Make a homemade solution

Store Scarves - Home Solution

Image from One Crazy House

If you’re into arts and crafts, why not fashion yourself an awesome homemade solution? You can purchase some little round boxes and arrange them in a grid in one of your drawers, before rolling up your scarves and placing them inside. Or source a few fancy handles and hammer them into a row on your wall. If you have more scarves than you can count, why not create a “clothesline” that extends the length of your bedroom wall, and fill it with scarves to create an explosion of colour. Or if you’re on a budget, repurpose one of the box dividers that come with cartons of alcohol. There’s plenty of great, cheap homemade solutions if you use your imagination.

5. Storing infinity scarves

Store Infinity Scarves

The right accessory can transform an outfit, and bold necklaces, unique rings and stylish earrings are often our go-tos. However, few accessories offer the versatility of an infinity scarf, and they offer a decidedly practical twist to your average scarf. (Well, not average. I’m sure yours are all as unique as you).

Essentially, they are fashioned as a continuous loop that falls neatly into a ring shape around your neck. They will infuse a little everyday elegance into your look and are typically one to two metres long, and the longer the scarf, the more styling choices you have. They are also naturally reversible making your styling possibilities virtually endless. And who doesn’t love an instant wardrobe-expander, right?

Wear your infinity scarf as a single loop (fluff it out and pretend it’s an uber-large necklace), loop it around your neck and tie a single knot towards the bottom, or double loop it around your neck and then pull down one loop so that the top one hugs your neck.

Weather turned particularly nasty? Warm things up by wearing your infinity scarf as a shawl — simply place the whole scarf over your head, under your arms, and around your chest. Then take one side of the scarf and place it back over your head, then fluff it up. Or wear it as a “hood” — loop the scarf around your neck, twist it into another loop and place over your head. Super toasty!

In terms of how to store infinity scarves, you’ll need something a little more substantial, as they are typically longer, wider and often bulkier. Clothing storage bags can help protect scarves made from wool (throw in a few mothballs for even better protection), or treat your favourites to their very own storage box. Label them for easy access (if you’re that way inclined), and then stack them one on top of each other for a beautifully creative storage tower.
