Not all household contents insurance policies cover goods stored away from home, so it’s best to check with your current insurer. More Space Self Storage can arrange temporary insurance coverage for your goods at very reasonable prices. Our partners AON Insurance are leading self-storage insurance specialists with over 25 years of experience in the self-storage industry.
We offer a high level of security at our storage facility, however, for your peace of mind we recommend you have insurance cover for your goods.
You will need to decide on a value of the goods to be insured. Make sure you insure for the full value of the contents of your storage unit. This is an excellent opportunity to be practical and get rid of items which are unlikely to be needed again or can be easily replaced. Items with sentimental value are much harder to put a price on!! A detailed inventory and photographs of your belongings would be advisable, so in the event of a claim, it shows that you have taken measures to protect your goods. Collectible items should be individually valued with a detailed description and photograph. Please be aware that specific items such as currency, precious jewellery and firearms don’t belong in a storage unit and should be kept in a safety deposit box or specialist storage facility.
Insurance checklist
- Check your home contents policy
- Decide on the value to be covered
- Be practical
- Create an inventory
- Photograph collectibles
- Don’t store currency or jewellery